Please note that a fibreglass boat must be handled with care and the following rules must be respected.

Guests are fully responsible for the boat and its crew and are obliged to pay for any damages.  

The code to unlock the boat/lock will be provided upon request.

Launching of the boat is only possible when the boat is placed carefully from the raised pier on the shore/level - it is no allowed to drop the boat

from a  pier to the rocky shore below the pier (when the water level is low)

Pulling the boat onto the pier is possible in 2 persons (one person pulls the boat onto the pier and the other person lifts the stern of the boat ) - the best

way is to pull the boat over the steps.  

If the boat is under constant monitoring (guests are able to react in advance to any weather changes, approaching storms, wind, etc.)

it is also possible to park the boat under the pier, but in case of leaving the cottage it is necessary to pull the boat on the pier (also at night) to avoid

possible damage/destruction of the boat.  

In case of non-respect of this rule and possible damage to the boat, the client is obliged to pay for the damage.

We also recommend that you turn the boat upside down when parking overnight - to prevent any water splashing inside the boat.

The paddles are stored under the shelter next to the house.

Life jackets are stored in a cabinet in the games room - from the smallest life jackets for babies to jackets up to approx. 40 kg, a total of 10 pieces

(the code to the lock will be provided on request)

Parking of the boat during rides is possible anywhere on public beaches, with respect to people swimming.   

In case of parking the boat outside the house, we recommend to take a chain with a code lock to lock the boat.    

Guests also have a possibility to rent an electric motor (only in the summer season, weekly stays) , it is necessary to get known how to use it - see

separate sheet


(motor at extra cost , must be requested in advance)

The electric motor is not necessary for shorter distances, however, for beautiful rides around the whole lake (3-6 km radius) can come in handy.

If you are planning to leave the boat for a longer period of time, it is recommended to sail only with oars and leave the motor in the house.

At the end of your stay you must return the boat to the original place it was in when you arrived - i.e. pulled up and locked on the pier, turned upside down + oars

returned to the fence next to the house

Záchranné vesty jsou uloženy ve skříni v herně - od nejmenších vest pro miminka až po vesty do cca. 40 kg, celkem 10 ks (kód k zámku sdělíme na dotaz)

Parkování člunu při vyjížďkách je možné  kdekoliv na veřejných plážích, s ohledem na koupající se lidi.   

V případě parkování člunu mimo chatu doporučujeme vzít s sebou i řetěz s kódovým zámkem na případné uzamčení člunu.    

V případě zapůjčení elektromotoru je nutné seznámit se s jeho obsluhou - viz. samostatný list

     (za příplatek , nutné nahlásit předem)

Elektromotor není na kratší  vzdálenosti nutný ,nicméně na krásné projíždky kolem celého jezera (okruh 3-6 km) může přijít vhod .

Pokud máte při vyjížďkách v plánu vzdálit se od člunu  na delší dobu, doporučujeme plout jen s vesly a motor zanechat v chatě.

Na konci pobytu je nutné vrátit člun na původní místo na kterém byl při vašem příjezdu - tzn. vytažený a zamknutý na mole, otočený dnem vzhůru + vesla

vrácené u plotu vedle domu



Lenght :    380 cm

Height:      52 cm

Loads:      320 kg

Weight:     58 kg